Transformers the Game Cheats

Transformers the Game LogoCodes
Enter the following codes at the Campaign / Bonus Features / Credits menu...
Unlock All Mission - down, up, left, right, right, right, up, down
Infinite Health - left, left, up, left, right, down, right
No vehicle's running on the street and no tank's/cop's attack - right, left, right, left, right, left, right
Unlock Cybertron Missions - right, up, up, down, right, left, left
Unlock G1 Optimus Prime - down, right, left, up, down, down, left
Unlock Generation 1 Jazz Repaint - left, up, down, down, left, up, right
Unlock Generation 1 Starscream Repaint - right, down, left, left, down, up, up
Unlock Robovision Optimus Prime - down, down, up, up, right, right, right
Unlock G1 Megatron - down, left, left, down, right, right, up

Transformers the Game Screenshot
G1 Jazz Repaint - Clear all sub-missions in Autobot and Decepticon story modes
G1 Megatron - Collect all of the Decepticon Icons on all of the maps
G1 Optimus Prime - Collect all of the Autobo Icons on all of the maps
G1 Starscream Repaint - Beat the Depeticon's story mode
Robovision Optimu Prime - Beat the Autobot's story mode


see Transformers the Game

see also other Wii Games Cheats:
Metroid Corruption Cheats
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Resident Evil 4 Wii Ed Cheats
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