Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution is an installment or expansion of the Clash of the Ninja series that is set to be released this October 2007. This game is the first Clash of Ninja game that is to be released on the Wii in English version, and is set to be a North American exclusive. D3 Publisher has promised that at least sixteen playable characters will be available to select in the game. Also in an interview, a representative has also stated that some characters not featured in Naruto: Clash of Ninja and Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 will be featured in the game. Clash of Ninja Revolution covers all the events of the Chunin Exams up to the end of the Search for Tsunade. Clash of Ninja Revolution will use the gameplay engine as Gekitou Ninja Taisen EX. The game utilizes the Nunchuk accessory for the Wii Remote, for basic attacts and for special attacts that require specific movements from both items. The classic controller and GameCube controller are also compatible to use with the game. This is definitely one of the awaited fighting games especially to those Naruto fans. Practice up on the previous Naruto fighting games to get ready to this upcoming released of Naruto: Clash of Ninja Revolution.
related games: Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Victorious Boxers Revolution
‧租辦公室‧租店面‧買辦公室‧店面租賃‧店面出租‧店面出售‧花茶‧花草茶‧養生茶‧招牌‧led招牌‧招牌製作‧美國月子中心‧保養‧美國月子中心‧OBU‧投審會‧會計師事務所‧會計師‧工商登記‧公司登記‧包子‧肉粽‧宅配美食‧四神湯‧搬家公司‧訂房‧訂房網‧花東旅遊‧桃園土地‧桃園房屋仲介‧桃園房屋‧桃園房屋網‧桃園房屋買賣‧漆彈‧搬家公司‧會場設計‧展場設計‧會場設計‧展場設計‧展覽設計‧消防設備‧消防設備‧機電‧崴立機電‧消防公司‧地板施工‧超耐磨地板‧店面出租‧乳癌‧全身健康檢查‧肝癌‧健康檢查‧身體檢查‧飛梭雷射‧雷射溶脂‧直航機票‧自由行‧三久‧太陽能‧三久太陽能‧太陽能熱水器‧別墅外觀設計‧環保袋‧別墅外觀設計‧室內裝修‧電波拉皮‧hand dryer‧電波拉皮‧雷射溶脂‧肉毒桿菌‧系統家具‧台中漆彈場‧漆彈‧團體服‧美國月子中心‧團體服
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