Based on the One Piece manga and anime series popularized in Japan, here comes One Piece: Unlimited Adventure, an action adventure game for the Wii. With the freedom to switch between certain characters at will, you will assume the roles of Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates' crew as they attempt to escapte from a mysterious island.
Before taking the controls in this game, you'll be treated to a lengthy into that shows how Luffy's crew have come to be strandedon an unchared island. It all starts when Luffy, who is fishing off the side of the boat, lands a strange blue orb while the rest of the crew searches in vain for land on the horizon. Taking his prize with him, Luffy heads up to the crow's nest and, in desperation, yells something urging any nearby islands to come out of hiding. The orb starts to glow, but before Luffy even had a chance to return to the deck, a large island rises up out of the water nearby and launches a stsunami directly at the ship.
Ok, let's just look for some screenshots of the game to further visualize what it looks like...
Before taking the controls in this game, you'll be treated to a lengthy into that shows how Luffy's crew have come to be strandedon an unchared island. It all starts when Luffy, who is fishing off the side of the boat, lands a strange blue orb while the rest of the crew searches in vain for land on the horizon. Taking his prize with him, Luffy heads up to the crow's nest and, in desperation, yells something urging any nearby islands to come out of hiding. The orb starts to glow, but before Luffy even had a chance to return to the deck, a large island rises up out of the water nearby and launches a stsunami directly at the ship.
Ok, let's just look for some screenshots of the game to further visualize what it looks like...