Mash! Slice! Stir! Shake! Roll! Perform other kitchen activities! This sequel to the DS game may sound silly, but its innovative use of the Wiimote is pretty much exactly what the system was designed for.
Aside from one of the longest game names ever? Think Time Crisis, but instead of shooting and ducking you're swinging a sword and blocking with a shield. You have control over forward and backward movement, but that's about it.
It's, er, a Final Fantasy game. On Wii.
The final game in the Metroid Prime trilogy. In Corruption, Samus gets infected by Phazon, which slowly gives her abilities not previously seen in the series.
Another whacked-out game from whacked-out designer Suda 51, of Killer 7 fame. No More Heroes stars Travis Touchdown, an American geek who buys a beam katana (read: light saber) off eBay and decides to become a hit man. We couldn't make this up, people.
A chance to re-re-revisit the mansion from the first Resident Evil, this time with a first-person view.
The latest in the wildly successful and critically acclaimed SSX series.
It's the next real Mario game, fer chrissakes. This time our favorite water utility expert jumps from planet to planet in his quest to save Peach. What, you were expecting a new plot?
The first Wii entry in the ultracartoony, RPG-lite side-scroller. This one appears to tone down the RPG elements a bit, and ratchet up the platforming with some cues taken from New Super Mario Bros.
A pantload of classic Nintendo characters-plus Solid Snake-pummeling each other in huge 3D arenas.
source: 1up
Whoa! you got a great collection of wii video games..looking forward RE chronicles..
I spend time on search the blog like this. Thanks for your installation guide!! Regards
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